Thursday 3 September 2015

The introduction of mine

Hello and Assalammualaikum to the readers. My name is Natrah binti Rezuan from DEC 5C. I just got into this blogging things last semester and lucky me this semester also required me to use blog as a part of my assignment for Digital and Communication subject. First of all, thanks to Sir Zul Fakhri, as a lecturer, giving all students including me an opportunity to write want they want as a part of our assignment. So with this new blog, I will write for you guys about Universal of Botox. I know when I mention about Botox, you guys might think “Why she wants to write about it?” Maybe the reason is “Did she do Botox?” The answer is, I did not do Botox, because I’m a person who just love the way I am. Here in this blog I will mention from the intro about Botox and all the procedure that need to be check whenever an individual want to be involved with Botox. So, I hope you guys will enjoy reading my blog and happy blogging BLOGGER.