Picture of unit of BOTOX used in every area

The above picture is showing the area of injection that patient need to take if they want to have BOTOX injection in their face. The dose for every area in their face are different for every patient because the doctor will decide the quantity need to be inject and the doctor will see how the Botulinum toxin A will react to their faces before inject more to the patient faces. If the Botulinum Toxin A, react immediately to the procedure means that less quantity will be injected but if the procedure did not show the right effect the doctors will decided whether to add more the dose or not.

Pictures of marking area for migraines problem
The next picture is showing the area for injection for a patient that have migraines problem. They will be 7 keys of injection area for head and neck that required 31 injections need to be inject to the patient. The area are, 7 injection in the forehead, 5 injection for both and the right side of head, 6 injection behind the patient head, 4 injection behind and lower from previous injection and 3 injection for both shoulders

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